extra! extRa!


Feb 14th-16th!

Thank you to everyone who came out to see our production of Newsies and all of our cast, crew, & sponsors who made it happen! Photos are up on our Facebook Page with more to come! View the full PDF of our program below:

July 7th-19th 2025

2025 Summer workshop!

Legally Blonde JR: The musical

The Colchester Community Theatre (CCT) announces its Summer Children’s Theater Workshop of Legally Blonde JR, July 7-18 at 9am-12pm Mon-Fri, culminating in a performance on Sat, July 19th at 2pm.

The workshop is open to all children entering grade 2 through grade 12 in the fall. All children who enroll are accepted, auditions are solely for the purpose of cast placement.

giving tuesday!

Tuesday, December 3rd

On GivingTuesday, the whole world comes together to give back in many different ways: through acts of kindness, gifts of voice, time, talent, or treasure.

Celebrate with us on Dec 3rd!

CCT News & Show Updates!

Newsies Sponsors

Newsies Sponsors

We want to express a huge thank you to our Newsies Sponsors – we could not do what we do without you! Major Dime Bank Star Frank & Susan Hollo In Memory of Stephen E. & Ruth L. Hollo Star Jack Jobes Premier Children’s Dental Associates Premier Marilynn St Onge Spotlight 360 Defense Colchester LLC…

Newsies Tickets!

Newsies Tickets!

Tickets for Colchester Community Theatre’s production of Newsies are now on sale! Like most theaters, we are now using Reserved Seating – so you will now select your seats when you order, no need to get in line early to get your favorite seats! [No more General Admission]

Newsies Auditions

Newsies Auditions

Colchester Community Theatre has scheduled auditions for its February 2025 production of Disney’s Newsies through special arrangement with MTI. Set in turn-of-the century New York City, Newsies is the rousing tale of Jack Kelly, a charismatic newsboy and leader of a band of teenaged “newsies.” When titans of publishing raise distribution prices at the newsboys’…


CCT’s Cabaret Night Out!

We’re seeking performers for our Cabaret Night Out! This event will feature a delightful mix of musical theater performances, including singing, instrumentals, spoken word, and more, based on your creative contributions! The venue for the night is the St Joseph Polish Society, where attendees are welcome to bring their own food and enjoy beverages from the bar.

Children’s Workshops | Productions

CCT’s Production of Matilda JR.

The Colchester Community Theatre Summer Children’s Theatre Workshop proudly presents Disney’s Ronald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical JR on Saturday 20 at 2:00 PM in the Bacon Academy High School Auditorium. Rebellion is nigh in Matilda JR., a gleefully witty ode to the anarchy of childhood and the power of imagination! This story of a girl who dreams of a better…

CCT is now a non-profit!


secure online donating now available

Colchester Community Theatre, Inc. is now a 501c3 non-profit organization. In order for CCT to meet all of its budgetary needs, to provide the high level of musical theatre experience for all cast, crew and audience members, and to stay solvent, we are actively seeking donations. Thank you for your generosity in helping Colchester Community Theatre continue on for many, many more years.

Previous Shows

Browse our most recently productions below, a full list and photos galleries are available here.

Young Frankenstein (2023)
Oliver (2020)
Mary Poppins (2019)
The Wizard Of Oz (2018)
Jekyll & Hyde (2017)
The Little Mermade (2016)

Join Us.​

Colchester Community Theatre is always seeking for individuals who are interested in volunteering in all aspects of the production process – costumes, backstage, house, & hair, just to name a few!
Contact us and let us know what you want to help out with!